Privacy Policy

How We Protect Your Information

We do not disclose any non-public personal information about you to anyone, except as permitted or required by law and regulatory bodies.

We seek to carefully safeguard your private information and, to that end, we restrict access to non-public personal information about you. It is only visible to our employees and service providers who have a "need to know" your information to perform their jobs, conduct our business, and who have agreed to the proper handling of such information. It may be necessary, under anti-money laundering and similar laws, to disclose information about our investors in order to accept subscriptions from them. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your non-public personal information. In addition, we will continue to access new technology for protecting our investors' information.

Sharing Information With Our Affiliates

We may share your information (as described above) with our affiliates as permitted by applicable law, such as to provide you with services that you have requested. Our affiliates are entities controlled or owned by us, or entities that control us or are under common control with us.

Disclosure to Nonaffiliated Third Parties

We may share your information (as described above) with firms that we hire to perform services for us, such as our attorneys, accountants, auditors, brokers, bankers, and entities that assist us with fundraising for our investment funds (such efforts may include communications with prospective investors). We share information with nonaffiliated service providers and/or financial institutions only if they agree to protect the confidentiality of your non-public personal information and to use the information only for the purposes for which it is disclosed to them.

With your consent, we may share your personal information with entities other than our affiliates and services providers described herein. We may disclose information to others, including nonaffiliated companies, as required or permitted by applicable law. We will also release information about you if you direct us to do so, if compelled by law to do so, or in connection with any government or regulatory organization request or investigation. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in keeping with acceptable standards to safeguard your non-public personal information, which we believe are adequate to prevent unauthorized disclosure of such information.

We do not otherwise provide information about current, former, or prospective investors to outside firms, organizations, or individuals except at the investor's request or to attorneys, accountants, and auditors of any current, former, or prospective investor.

Should you have any questions regarding our policies or about this notice, please contact Jill Holup at This policy applies to Callegro and any private funds that we manage. This policy is subject to change.